My Site for poems and happy thoughts

Ziggy Arts google-site-verification: google902d37e02b9e78ac.html

The Mighty Redwood trees

Standing tall is the Redwood trees for the entire world to see. Their strength and beauty forever inspires me. Though thunderstorms hover above the skies, these mighty trees expand up unafraid of the thunder and storms coming by.  Their branches span the skies searching for sun light it counts on to thrive. When the storms come it only shakes these trees’ branches monetarily. The Redwood trees would only lose a limb or two causing them to become stronger. We can learn so much from these mighty trees.  Though seasons have come and gone, these mighty Redwoods have stood and witnessed the changes all around unbothered and firm standing in the mist of it all. I only pray God to give me strength like these mighty Redwood trees to enter each day with hope whether the skies are black or blue. Life on earth is a gift. We must count our blessing everyday and if so we shall see God’s hand at work for us. When you do this, you will start to realize that counting your blessing is one the most powerful acts you can do to change your life for good. It can magically change your whole world around.  When you are grateful for things in your life no matter how small they may be, things have a way of inherently increasing. When you are grateful for the relationship you have even though it’s not perfect, the relationship miraculously improves. If you are grateful for the money you have even though it’s not much, the money will magically grow. If you are grateful for the job you have even though it’s not the dream job, your work environment will get better and greater opportunities will suddenly appear. If you are grateful for the health you have, you will find ways to be healthy and live longer. Be grateful and you will find hidden treasures of life and increase your prosperity. Like the mighty Redwood trees, you will increase and thrive through God’s grace and blessings.

When All Else Fails                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


 When troubles are in the skies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

When hardships arise

When times become unbearable

When stricken with pain and suffering

When there no end of the difficulty in sight

When everything looks gloomy

When finances diminish

When death claims a loved one

When life has no meaning

When all else has failed

Have faith in God

And remember our ancestors

In times like these have

done their best in worst times

    And hoped for better times 

in the most calamitous

They have survived

They have never given up

They have made it

How much more different

Are they better than us?

When these hard times come

Don't give up and don't give in

Persevere and muster up courage from within

Pray to Heavenly Father who knows

Our suffering and our life

And he will show us the way 

to endure and hold fast.

Just like there is a light

at the end of a tunnel

you will survive and make it

through the long cold night

knowing this storm shall pass

and life will return but

this time with a little more calmness

since you have learned how to weather

through any storm on life shores.







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